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The BIG Why:
Dogs are wonderful. The can be our best friends, best family member, best protector, and in return, we take on the responsibility to feed, house and care for their well-being.
But every once in a while, regardless of the reason, we all need to take a break. And that’s okay. It’s perfectly understandable. The only issue then is, who’s going to take over our part and care for our Max, Lucy, Molly, Charlie, Buddy or Daisy?
And that’s when it becomes dicey. How many times can you impose on family, friends, neighbors? How many times do you have to have to reach into your bank account or go into debt just to put up the pooch at a kennel?
Not only that, there are many times each month when conditions aren’t ideal for walking our dogs: From adverse weather to adverse health to adverse lifestyle.
Well, the Doggie Out House was created by a dog owner precisely because of all these issues. And now his dog’s gain can be your family’s benefit too.
Welcome to Doggie Out House.
The DOH System Doggiestrated
Gold demonstrates the Why & How
Doggie Do Good
Doggie Out House was created to help solve some very real problems faced by dog owners. But unfortunately, some of the people that would really benefit from the DOH System — the elderly and the disabled — may not have the funds to purchase the product.
It’s for this reason that DOH creator, Lyle Benjamin, established Doggie Do Good, a charitable program that:
1) provides the DOH System to the elderly and the disabled at 40% off of retail
2) allows others to contribute to the Doggie Do Good fund, and further reduce the cost of the DOH System to deserving households
People, Organizations and Companies wishing to donate, do so through the non-profit 501(c )3 educational organization 16 Things Kids Can Do, Inc.
In turn, 16 Things will use its outreach connections with other non-profits and community-based programs to make Doggie Do Good available to the elderly and the disabled.
90% of all funds collected will be used to fund the discounted wholesale purchase of DOH Systems for the elderly and disabled. The remaining 10% will help defray 16 Things’ administrative expenses associated with running the program.
We hope that with our combined efforts, we can do our part to help keep these deserving families happy and healthy.
Please Donate Today.